
A Western Texas College student is D edicated, R espectful,

E thical, A ccountable, and M otivated. You should live the


Commit to what you do.


Honor the rights of others.


                        Do what is right regardless of the situation.


                        Take responsibility for your actions.


                        Inspire success within yourself and within others.

We are WTC. We dream. We believe.


We are Westerners!

As a Westerner we are Dedicated.  We are dedicated to our school, our classmates and ourselves. We are devoted to be the best we can be academically, physically and mentally.  We put pride and heart into everything we do.

As a Westerner we are Respectful.  We are respectful to the people around us as well as ourselves. We are quick to listen and slow to speak. We will listen to others, respect their opinions and speak appropriately and politely in return.

As a Westerner we are Ethical.  We have a high set of honorable standards that we will uphold to ourselves and to those around us.  We will not cheat, steal or tolerate those who do. 

As a Westerner we are Accountable.  We, students, faculty, staff and administration will take responsibility for our actions and hold others accountable for theirs.  We will acknowledge accomplishments and assist those who are in need.

As a Westerner we are Motivated.  We strive to bring out the best in ourselves and others.  Our motivation should be contagious and be seen by others in our school and our community.

We are Westerners!